About us
The International Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching (IACBC) is the first international body in the field of cognitive-behavioral approach to coaching. The IACBC is a professional, scientific and interdisciplinary organization having the mission to (1) advance the development of the cognitive-behavioral coaching field, and (2) promote an evidence-based approach toward coaching, in the benefit of the professional community, organizations, society, and improvement of people’s lives and performance.
The IACBC aims to advance coaching as a scientific discipline, in order:
- To stimulate the growth and dissemination of the science and practice of evidence-based coaching;
- To converge the practice of coaching with the evidence-based knowledge;
- To promote development, and training of coaching scientists, practitioners and trainers;
- To develop competencies for professionals in the field of cognitive-behavioral coaching;
- To promote evidence-based psychological interventions in the business environment;
- To raise awareness on the role of coaching based on the cognitive-behavioral and positive psychology approaches in performance optimization and life quality;
- To set standards for coaching practice and promote ethics in the field of cognitive-behavioral coaching.
The following activities will be developed by the IACBC in line with the above mentioned aims:
- To create international visibility and prestige for the cognitive-behavior coaching, as an evidence-based intervention for performance optimization and human development;
- To promote fundamental and applied research in the field of coaching;
- To develop educational activities in the field of psychological interventions (cognitive-behavioral coaching, personal development) applied to diverse settings settings (personal optimization, business settings, parenting etc);
- To stimulate international scientific exchanges in the field (psychological coaching, psychological interventions);
- To collaborate with top experts in the field, private and public organizations in order to develop competencies and research projects in the field of coaching;
- To elaborate psychometric instruments and scientific intervention techniques for the diagnosis and interventions in psychological interventions for human and organizational development;
- To organize continuous learning courses for professionals in the field of coaching and business for developing competencies in line with the market request;
- To develop, through its members and collaborators, psychological coaching services for individual clients and organizations in order to optimize their functioning in society;
- To develop networks with similar international and national associations and organizations, and stimulates changes of opinions, specialists, experience and collaboration with prestigious international experts in the field;
- To disseminate scientific information to its members and community through the web page, groups and scientific manifestations;
- To publish/edit publications in the field of psychological coaching.
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