Scientific articles
Online Coaching of Emotion Regulation Strategies for Parents: Efficacy of the Online Rational Positive Parenting Program and Attention Bias Modification Procedures
You can find detailed research here.
Coaching banking managers through the financial crisis: effects on stress, resilience, and performance
You can find detailed research here.
How to tell if managers are good coaches and how to help them improve during adversity? The managerial Coaching assessment system and the rational managerial coaching program
You can find detailed research here.
Developing Managerial Skills Through Coaching: Efficacy of a Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching Program
You can find detailed research here.
The online Prescriptive Index platform for the assessment of managerial competencies and coaching needs: development and initial validation of the experience sampling Mood Wheel and the Manager-Rational and Irrational Beliefs Scale
You can find detailed research here.
The Foundations and Evolution of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching in Organizations: An Interview with Dominic DiMattia
You can find detailed research here.